1 module metal.rendercommandencoder;
3 version(D_ObjectiveC):
4 extern(Objective-C):
5 import metal.metal;
6 import metal.texture;
8 ///The type of a top-level Metal Shading Language (MSL) function.
9 enum MTLFunctionType : NSUInteger
10 {
11     ///A vertex function you can use in a render pipeline state object.
12     Vertex = 1,
13     ///A fragment function you can use in a render pipeline state object.
14     Fragment = 2,
15     ///A kernel you can use in a compute pipeline state object.
16     Kernel = 3,
17     ///A function you can use in an intersection function table.
18     Intersection = 6,
19     ///A function you can use in a visible function table.
20     Visible = 5,
21     Mesh = 7,
22     Object = 8
23 }
25 ///An object representing a function that you can add to a visible function table.
26 extern interface MTLFunctionHandle
27 {
28     ///The device object that created the shader function.
29     @selector("device")
30     MTLDevice device();
32     ///The shader function’s type.
33     @selector("functionType")
34     MTLFunctionType functionType();
36     @selector("name")
37     NSString name();
39 }
41 ///A collection of model data for GPU-accelerated intersection of rays with the model.
42 extern interface MTLAccelerationStructure
43 {
44     ///The size of the acceleration structure’s memory allocation, in bytes.
45     @selector("size")
46     NSUInteger size();
48     // MTLResourceID gpuResourceID();
49 }
51 ///A table of intersection functions that Metal calls to perform ray-tracing intersection tests.
52 extern interface MTLIntersectionFunctionTable
53 {
54     ///Sets an entry in the table.
55     @selector("setFunction:atIndex:")
56     void setFunction(MTLFunctionHandle, NSUInteger index);
57 }
59 ///A table of shader functions visible to your app that you can pass into compute commands to customize the behavior of a shader.
60 extern interface MTLVisibleFunctionTable
61 {
62     ///Sets a table entry to point to a callable function.
63     @selector("setFunction:atIndex:")
64     void setFunction(MTLFunctionHandle, NSUInteger index);
66     ///Sets a range of table entries to point to an array of callable functions.
67     @selector("setFunctions:withRange:")
68     void setFunctions(const(MTLFunctionHandle)*, NSRange range);
70     // MTLResourceID gpuResourceID();
71 }
73 struct MTLVertexAmplificationViewMapping
74 {
75     ///An offset into the list of render targets.
76     uint renderTargetArrayIndexOffset;
77     ///An offset into the list of viewports.
78     uint viewportArrayIndexOffset;
79 }
81 extern class MTLRenderCommandEncoder
82 {
83     @selector("setViewport:")
84     void setViewport(MTLViewport);
86     ///Sets the current render pipeline state object.
87     @selector("setRenderPipelineState:")
88     void setRenderPipelineState(MTLRenderPipelineState pipelineState);
90     ///Sets how to rasterize triangle and triangle strip primitives.
91     @selector("setTriangleFillMode:")
92     void setTriangleFillMode(MTLTriangleFillMode);
94     ///Sets the winding order of front-facing primitives.
95     @selector("setFrontFaceWinding:")
96     void setFrontFaceWinding(MTLWinding);
98     ///Specifies whether to cull primitives when front- or back-facing.
99     @selector("setCullMode:")
100     void setCullMode(MTLCullMode);
102     ///Sets a buffer for the vertex function.
103     @selector("setVertexBuffer:offset:atIndex:")
104     void setVertexBuffer(MTLBuffer vertexBuffer, NSUInteger offset, NSUInteger index);
106     ///Sets an array of buffers for the vertex function.
107     @selector("setVertexBuffers:offsets:withRange:")
108     void setVertexBuffers(const(MTLBuffer)* buffers, const(NSUInteger)* offsets, NSRange range);
110     ///Sets where the data begins in a buffer already bound to the vertex shader.
111     @selector("setVertexBufferOffset:atIndex:")
112     void setVertexBufferOffset(NSUInteger offset, NSUInteger index);
114     ///Sets a block of data for the vertex shader.
115     @selector("setVertexBytes:length:atIndex:")
116     void setVertexBytes(const(void)* bytes, NSUInteger length, NSUInteger index);
118     ///Sets a sampler for the vertex function.
119     // @selector("setVertexSamplerState:atIndex:")
120     // void setVertexSamplerState(MTLSamplerState sampler, NSUInteger index);
122     ///Sets a sampler for the vertex function, specifying clamp values for the level of detail.
123     @selector("setVertexSamplerState:lodMinClamp:lodMaxClamp:atIndex:")
124     void setVertexSamplerState(MTLSamplerState state, float lodMinClamp, float lodMaxClamp, NSUInteger index);
126     ///Sets multiple samplers for the vertex function.
127     @selector("setVertexSamplerStates:withRange:")
128     void setVertexSamplerStates(const(MTLSamplerState)* samplers, NSRange range);
130     ///Sets multiple samplers for the vertex function, specifying clamp values for the level of detail of each sampler.
131     @selector("setVertexSamplerStates:lodMinClamps:lodMaxClamps:withRange:")
132     void setVertexSamplerStates(
133         const(MTLSamplerState)* samplers, 
134         const(float)* lodMinClamps,
135         const(float)* lodMaxClamps,
136         NSRange range
137     );
139     ///Sets a texture for the vertex function.
140     @selector("setVertexTexture:atIndex:")
141     void setVertexTexture(MTLTexture texture, NSUInteger index);
143     ///Sets an array of textures for the vertex function.
144     @selector("setVertexTextures:withRange:")
145     void setVertexTextures(const(MTLTexture)* textures, NSRange range);
147     ///Sets a visible function table for the vertex function.
148     @selector("setVertexVisibleFunctionTable:atBufferIndex:")
149     void setVertexVisibleFunctionTable(MTLVisibleFunctionTable, NSUInteger bufferIndex);
151     ///Sets an array of visible function tables for the vertex function.
152     @selector("setVertexVisibleFunctionTables:withBufferRange:")
153     void setVertexVisibleFunctionTables(const(MTLVisibleFunctionTable)*, NSRange range);
155     ///Sets a intersection function table for the vertex function.
156     @selector("setVertexIntersectionFunctionTable:atBufferIndex:")
157     void setVertexIntersectionFunctionTable(MTLIntersectionFunctionTable, NSUInteger index);
159     ///Sets an array of intersection function tables for the vertex function.
160     @selector("setVertexIntersectionFunctionTables:withBufferRange:")
161     void setVertexIntersectionFunctionTables(const(MTLIntersectionFunctionTable)*, NSRange range);
163     ///Sets an acceleration structure for the vertex function.
164     @selector("setVertexAccelerationStructure:atBufferIndex:")
165     void setVertexAccelerationStructure(MTLAccelerationStructure, NSUInteger bufferIndex);
167     ///Sets a buffer for the fragment function.
168     @selector("setFragmentBuffer:offset:atIndex:")
169     void setFragmentBuffer(MTLBuffer, NSUInteger offset, NSUInteger index);
171     ///Sets an array of buffers for the fragment function in a range of indices in the buffer argument table.
172     @selector("setFragmentBuffers:offsets:withRange:")
173     void setFragmentBuffers(const(MTLBuffer)*, const(NSUInteger)* offsets, NSRange range);
175     ///Sets where the data begins in a buffer already bound to the fragment shader.
176     @selector("setFragmentBufferOffset:atIndex:")
177     void setFragmentBufferOffset(NSUInteger offset, NSInteger index);
179     ///Sets a block of data for the fragment shader.
180     @selector("setFragmentBytes:length:atIndex:")
181     void setFragmentBytes(const(void)* bytes, NSUInteger length, NSUInteger index);
183     ///Sets a sampler state for the fragment function at an index in the sampler state argument table.
184     @selector("setFragmentSamplerState:atIndex:")
185     void setFragmentSamplerState(MTLSamplerState, NSUInteger index);
187     ///Sets an array of sampler states for the fragment function in a range of indices in the sampler state argument table.
188     @selector("setFragmentSamplerStates:withRange:")
189     void setFragmentSamplerStates(const(MTLSamplerState)*, NSRange range);
191     ///Sets a sampler state for the fragment function at an index in the sampler state argument table, specifying clamp values for the minimum and maximum level of detail.
192     @selector("setFragmentSamplerState:lodMinClamp:lodMaxClamp:atIndex:")
193     void setFragmentSamplerState(MTLSamplerState, float lodMinClamp, float lodMaxClamp, NSUInteger index);
195     ///Sets sampler states for the fragment function in a range of indices in the sampler state argument table, specifying clamp values for levels of detail.
196     @selector("setFragmentSamplerStates:lodMinClamps:lodMaxClamps:withRange:")
197     void setFragmentSamplerStates(
198         const(MTLSamplerState)*, 
199         const(float)* lodMinClamps,
200         const(float)* lodMaxClamps,
201         NSRange range
202     );
204     ///Sets a texture for the fragment function at an index in the texture argument table.
205     @selector("setFragmentTexture:atIndex:")
206     void setFragmentTexture(MTLTexture, NSUInteger index);
208     ///Sets an array of textures for the fragment function in a range of indices in the texture argument table.
209     @selector("setFragmentTextures:withRange:")
210     void setFragmentTextures(const(MTLTexture)*, NSRange range);
212     ///Sets a visible function table for the fragment function.
213     @selector("setFragmentVisibleFunctionTable:atBufferIndex:")
214     void setFragmentVisibleFunctionTable(MTLVisibleFunctionTable, NSUInteger bufferIndex);
216     ///Sets an array of visible function tables for the fragment function.
217     @selector("setFragmentVisibleFunctionTables:withBufferRange:")
218     void setFragmentVisibleFunctionTables(const(MTLVisibleFunctionTable)*, NSRange range);
220     ///Sets a intersection function table for the fragment function.
221     @selector("setFragmentIntersectionFunctionTable:atBufferIndex:")
222     void setFragmentIntersectionFunctionTable(MTLIntersectionFunctionTable, NSUInteger bufferIndex);
224     ///Sets an array of intersection function tables for the fragment function.
225     @selector("setFragmentIntersectionFunctionTables:withBufferRange:")
226     void setFragmentIntersectionFunctionTables(const(MTLIntersectionFunctionTable*), NSRange range);
228     ///Sets an acceleration structure for the fragment function.
229     @selector("setFragmentAccelerationStructure:atBufferIndex:")
230     void setFragmentAccelerationStructure(MTLAccelerationStructure, NSUInteger bufferIndex);
232     ///Sets the per-patch tessellation factors buffer for the tessellator.
233     @selector("setTessellationFactorBuffer:offset:instanceStride:")
234     void setTessellationFactorBuffer(MTLBuffer, NSUInteger offset, NSUInteger instanceStride);
236     ///Sets the scale factor applied to the per-patch tessellation factors.
237     @selector("setTessellationFactorScale:")
238     void setTessellationFactorScale(float);
240     ///Sets the number of output vertices for each input vertex, along with offsets into the layer and viewport lists.
241     @selector("setVertexAmplificationCount:viewMappings:")
242     void setVertexAmplificationCount(NSUInteger count, const(MTLVertexAmplificationViewMapping)* viewMappings);
244     ///Encodes a command to render a number of instances of primitives using vertex data in contiguous array elements, starting from the base instance.
245     @selector("drawPrimitives:vertexStart:vertexCount:instanceCount:baseInstance:")
246     void drawPrimitives(MTLPrimitiveType, NSUInteger vertexStart, NSUInteger vertexCount, NSUInteger instanceCount, NSUInteger baseInstance);
248     ///Encodes a command to render a number of instances of primitives using vertex data in contiguous array elements.
249     @selector("drawPrimitives:vertexStart:vertexCount:instanceCount:")
250     void drawPrimitives(MTLPrimitiveType, NSUInteger vertexStart, NSUInteger vertexCount, NSUInteger instanceCount);
252     ///Encodes a command to render one instance of primitives using vertex data in contiguous array elements.        
253     @selector("drawPrimitives:vertexStart:vertexCount:")
254     void drawPrimitives(MTLPrimitiveType, NSUInteger vertexStart, NSUInteger vertexCount);
257     ///Encodes a command to render a number of instances of primitives using an index list specified in a buffer, starting from the base vertex of the base instance.
258     @selector("drawIndexedPrimitives:indexCount:indexType:indexBuffer:indexBufferOffset:instanceCount:baseVertex:baseInstance:")
259     void drawIndexedPrimitives(
260         MTLPrimitiveType, 
261         NSUInteger indexCount,
262         MTLIndexType indexType,
263         MTLBuffer indexBuffer,
264         NSUInteger indexBufferOffset,
265         NSUInteger instanceCount,
266         NSInteger baseVertex,
267         NSUInteger baseInstance,
268     );
270     ///Encodes a command to render a number of instances of primitives using an index list specified in a buffer.
271     @selector("drawIndexedPrimitives:indexCount:indexType:indexBuffer:indexBufferOffset:instanceCount:")
272     void drawIndexedPrimitives(
273         MTLPrimitiveType, 
274         NSUInteger indexCount,
275         MTLIndexType indexType,
276         MTLBuffer indexBuffer,
277         NSUInteger indexBufferOffset,
278         NSUInteger instanceCount,
279     );
281     ///Encodes a command to render one instance of primitives using an index list specified in a buffer.
282     @selector("drawIndexedPrimitives:indexCount:indexType:indexBuffer:indexBufferOffset:")
283     void drawIndexedPrimitives(
284         MTLPrimitiveType, 
285         NSUInteger indexCount,
286         MTLIndexType indexType,
287         MTLBuffer indexBuffer,
288         NSUInteger indexBufferOffset,
289     );
291     ///Encodes a command to render a number of instances of tessellated patches.
292     @selector("drawPatches:patchStart:patchCount:patchIndexBuffer:patchIndexBufferOffset:instanceCount:baseInstance:")
293     void drawPatches(
294         NSUInteger numberOfPatchControlPoints,
295         NSUInteger patchStart,
296         NSUInteger patchCount,
297         MTLBuffer patchIndexBuffer,
298         NSUInteger patchIndexBufferOffset,
299         NSUInteger instanceCount,
300         NSUInteger baseInstance,
301     );
303     ///Encodes a command to render a number of instances of tessellated patches, using a control point index buffer.
304     @selector("drawIndexedPatches:patchStart:patchCount:patchIndexBuffer:patchIndexBufferOffset:controlPointIndexBuffer:controlPointIndexBufferOffset:instanceCount:baseInstance:")
305     void drawIndexedPatches(
306         NSUInteger numberOfPatchControlPoints,
307         NSUInteger patchStart,
308         NSUInteger patchCount,
309         MTLBuffer patchIndexBuffer,
310         NSUInteger patchIndexBufferOffset,
311         MTLBuffer controlPointIndexBuffer,
312         NSUInteger controlPointIndexBufferOffset,
313         NSUInteger instanceCount,
314         NSUInteger baseInstance,
315     );
316     ///Declares that all command generation from the encoder is completed.
317     @selector("endEncoding")
318     void endEncoding();
319 }