1 module metal.commandbuffer;
3 version(D_ObjectiveC):
4 extern(Objective-C):
6 import metal.metal;
7 import metal.rendercommandencoder;
9 ///Options for reporting errors from a command buffer.
10 enum MTLCommandBufferErrorOption : NSUInteger
11 {
12     ///An option that clears a command buffer’s error options.
13     None = 0,
14     ///An option that instructs a command buffer to save additional details about a GPU runtime error.
15     EncoderExecutionStatus = 1 << 0
16 }
18 ///A configuration that customizes the behavior for a new command buffer.
19 extern class MTLCommandBufferDescriptor : NSObject
20 {
21     ///A Boolean value that indicates whether the command buffer the descriptor creates maintains strong references to the resources it uses.
22     @selector("retainedResources")
23     BOOL retainedResources();
24     @selector("setRetainedResources:")
25     BOOL retainedResources(BOOL);
27     ///The reporting configuration that indicates which information the GPU driver stores in a command buffer’s error property.
28     @selector("errorOptions")
29     MTLCommandBufferErrorOption errorOptions();
31     @selector("setErrorOptions:")
32     MTLCommandBufferErrorOption errorOptions(MTLCommandBufferErrorOption);
33 }
35 ///The discrete states for a command buffer that represent its life cycle stages.
36 enum MTLCommandBufferStatus : NSUInteger
37 {
38     ///A command buffer’s initial state, which indicates its command queue isn’t reserving a place for it.
39     NotEnqueued = 0,
40     ///A command buffer’s second state, which indicates its command queue is reserving a place for it.
41     Enqueued = 1,
42     ///A command buffer’s third state, which indicates the command queue is preparing to schedule the command buffer by resolving its dependencies.
43     Committed = 2,
44     ///A command buffer’s fourth state, which indicates the command buffer has its resources ready and is waiting for the GPU to run its commands.
45     Scheduled = 3,
46     ///A command buffer’s successful, final state, which indicates the GPU finished running the command buffer’s commands without any problems.
47     Completed = 4,
48     ///A command buffer’s unsuccessful, final state, which indicates the GPU stopped running the buffer’s commands because of a runtime issue.
49     Error = 5
50 }
52 ///A completion handler signature a GPU device calls when it finishes scheduling a command buffer, or when the GPU finishes running it.
53 alias MTLCommandBufferHandler = extern(C) void function(MTLCommandBuffer);
55 ///A container that stores a sequence of GPU commands that you encode into it.
56 extern interface MTLCommandBuffer
57 {
58     ///Encodes a command into the command buffer that pauses the GPU from running subsequent passes until the event equals or exceeds a value.
59     @selector("encodeWaitForEvent:value:")
60     void encodeWaitForEvent(MTLEvent event, ulong value);
62     ///Encodes a command into the command buffer that pauses the GPU from running subsequent passes until the event equals or exceeds a value.
63     @selector("encodeSignalEvent:value:")
64     void encodeSignalEvent(MTLEvent event, ulong value);
66     ///Presents a drawable as early as possible.
67     @selector("presentDrawable:")
68     void presentDrawable(MTLDrawable drawable);
70     ///Presents a drawable at a specific time.
71     @selector("presentDrawable:atTime:")
72     void presentDrawable(MTLDrawable drawable, CFTimeInterval presentationTime);
74     ///Presents a drawable after the system presents the previous drawable for an amount of time.
75     @selector("presentDrawable:afterMinimumDuration:")
76     void presentDrawableAfterMinimumDuration(MTLDrawable drawable, CFTimeInterval duration);
78     ///Registers a completion handler the GPU device calls immediately after it schedules the command buffer to run on the GPU.
79     @selector("addScheduleHandler:")
80     void addScheduleHandler(MTLCommandBufferHandler);
82     ///Registers a completion handler the GPU device calls immediately after the GPU finishes running the commands in the command buffer.
83     @selector("addCompletedHandler:")
84     void addCompletedHandler(MTLCommandBufferHandler);
86     ///Reserves the next available place for the command buffer in its command queue.
87     @selector("enqueue")
88     void enqueue();
90     ///Submits the command buffer to run on the GPU.
91     @selector("commit")
92     void commit();
94     ///Synchronously waits for the command queue to schedule the buffer, which can block the current thread’s execution.
95     @selector("waitUntilScheduled")
96     void waitUntilScheduled();
98     ///Synchronously waits for the GPU to finish running the command buffer, which can block the current thread’s execution.
99     @selector("waitUntilCompleted")
100     void waitUntilCompleted();
102     ///The command buffer’s current state.
103     @selector("status")
104     MTLCommandBufferStatus status();
106     @selector("renderCommandEncoderWithDescriptor:")
107     MTLRenderCommandEncoder renderCommandEncoderWithDescriptor(MTLRenderPassDescriptor renderPassDescriptor);
109     ///A string to help identify this object
110     @selector("label")
111     NSString label();
112     @selector("setLabel:")
113     NSString label(NSString);
114 }